Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Deerfield Windsor School is known for its wide variety of extracurricular activities and the talented students who participate in each.  From athletics to clubs, students can be found doing just about anything.  Perhaps one of the most well-known and enjoyed groups is the performing arts.  Each year, large audiences anxiously await the spring musical.  However, a major and less publicized event for the Thespians each year is the One Act Play.  
     For those unfamiliar with the Deerfield Windsor performing arts, the One Act Play is a performing arts competition in which schools statewide perform the play of their choice and hope to win best overall.  The play consists (as its name implies) of a one act play that fits in a one hour time frame.  Schools first compete in a regional competition, and the two best from region move on to the state competition.  This year, DWS has chosen the play Little Women.  This play tells the story of the four March sisters: Amy, Beth, Jo, and Meg, as well as their mother, Marmee.  It follows their struggles and challenges as they grow up to become "little women".  The DWS version features Macy Williams as Amy, Amy Baker as Beth, Emily Stone as Jo, Claire Allen as Meg, Caroline Davis as Marmee, and Jase Wingate as Laurie, Jo's love interest in the story.  
      One of the most interesting aspects about this year's production of Little Women is that it is a musical.  It features songs such as "Astonishing", "Five Forever", and "Take a Chance on Me".  Students from DWS have the opportunity to showcase their singing talents statewide.  Not only does the show include music, but also a heartfelt story full of love, sisterhood, and a little bit of sword fighting.  Directed by Lindsey Stewart and Dianne Giddens, this will surely be a show to see.  Stewart comments, "The chemistry between this year's cast is great.  I think we have a really good chance of placing this year and will put on a great show."  Fortunately for the students, the play will be performed for the DWS high school students prior to the state competition.
     This year's One Act Play is guaranteed to succeed.  It showcases DWS's diverse, talented student body and allows students to use their natural talents.  DWS certainly fosters in its students a passion for the theatre and performing arts at a young age.  Bottle Tree Productions Blog does an excellent job of explaining the importance of community to actors and actresses, so come out and support the performing arts!  Break a leg, cast and crew!
Exit Stage Right,
Claire (Meg)

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