Thursday, September 10, 2009

Q & A With Amy Baker

This week, we decided to interview a local high school Thespian, Amy Baker. A sophomore at Deerfield-Windsor high school, Amy has a lot of experience with theatre performance. She has performed in many DWS productions, such as Wizard of Oz, Fiddler on the Roof, and Cinderella. We sat down with Amy to discuss musical theatre and her own future career. 

As told to Jase Wingate

Jase Wingate: So Amy, when did you first become interested in musical theatre/theatre?

Amy Baker: When I was six, I went to the Fox Theater, in Atlanta, GA, and saw Phantom of the Opera, ever since I’ve loved it.

JW: What, do you feel, is your strong point in acting?

AB: I feel my strength is comedic interpretation.

JW: Taking that into consideration, how will this affect your future?

AB: I’ll most likely get comedic roles, but I’m going to work hard to get more dramatic roles.

JW: Okay, when do you hope to make your big break?

AB: As soon as I can!

JW: Let's talk a minute about Deerfield-Windsor's theatre program. How would you change our current theatre program?

AB: I would like for us to gain funds for an auditorium, pay for voice lessons, and offer Chorus as a course at Deerfield.

JW: Looking to the future of DWS theatre, what would happen if the theatre program had more revenue? How do you think they should spend it?

AB: The program would become a lot more grandiose and I believe some money should be put towards the building of a theater.

JW: In your opinion, what is the next step for DWS theatre- how can it grow and expand?

AB: With Mr. Kelly, we will be able to grow and expand on the influence we have over the school, and hopefully we can gain more publicity.

JW: How long have you been interested in the performing arts?

AB: I have been interested in the arts since I was six.

JW: Do you think you’ll want to continue with the performing arts once you leave high school? If so, what would you do?

AB: Yes, I plan to be on Broadway. Specifically, I would love to be in Phantom of the Opera.

JW: What do you think of the musical Little Women versus the adaption the school is doing for the One Act Play?

AB: Ours is better because it is us doing it!

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